The Elevated Seed Co.
Wildflower Garden Seed Mix - For The Bees
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Save the Bees!
This mix will do best in full sun, but it will perform in partial shade, at least 8 hours of sunlight per day. Different species not only flower at different times, but a different heights, creating a pleasing, colorful effect.
For best results, mix seeds with 1:4 ratio of vermiculite to make it easier to spread.
Seed Mix Contents: Butterfly Milkweed, Smooth Blue Aster, Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Sulphur Cosmos, Purple Coneflower, Indian Blanket, Lemon Queen Sunflower, Gayfeather, Sweet Alyssum, Spotted Bee Balm, Corn Poppy, Prairie Coneflower, Sweet Mignonette, French Marigold, and Crimson Clover.